Site Furnishings from Coast to Coast
This Fall we had the opportunity to travel to the East Coast of Canada. If you aren't from there and haven't visited, we highly recommend you put a trip on your bucket list. We heard all the stories of the landscapes, the people and how wonderful it is. Our trip lived up to the hype and then some! The highlight for us was the chance to see our site furnishings in the wild. Often times we crate up orders and then only see the products by images sent back to us. Seeing benches, tables and receptacle in use in a totally different part of North America was simply heart-warming. Thus the theme of this newsletter - Coast-to-Coast. Wishbone Site Furnishings and Wellington Foundry were born on the West Coast. Now we serve clients across the continent in all sorts of environments. We learned a lot, got some amazing feedback and came home filled with ideas.
Port Hawkesbury - 4 Years Later
Four years ago, the town of Port Hawkesbury in Nova Scotia installed these Bayview Benches along accompanied by a Modena Recycling Station. It was great to be able to see this install in person and see how the products still look virtually new. Here they are standing up to the East Coast weather and providing a place to sit and take in the fresh breeze of the ocean. We love being able to see installs all the way across the country!
Our Most Easterly Site Furnishings Installation
When we say Coast-to-Coast, we mean it! Pouch Cove is on the eastern tip of Newfoundland just north of St. John's. The wind-swept coastline is as stunning as it is brutal. Winds whip up the sea and batter the shores relentlessly. But through all that there is a raw beauty that reveals itself when the sun shines. The Town of Pouch Cove specified our Bayview Benches (very apropos) and our Single Pedestal Tables to serve at this stunning view point below. They recently had a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open Sunrise View Lookout. We are so pleased they chose Wishbone products and know they will be enjoyed by the community and visitors alike for years to come.
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